Additional services and training we offer
We’ve spent years building a team of people who are not only passionate but also incredibly knowledgeable, working in all areas of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

Alongside our main bespoke tuition service we are both well placed and extremely motivated and qualified to provide up-to-date training or support on a range of SEND topics.
Our approach to supporting your needs

The training proposal will be tailored for your individual organisation or school’s requirement.

We can build a pricing model that works for you, based on your specific requirements, whether training will be virtual or in-person, travel, number of participants and length of sessions planned.

The length of training sessions can vary depending on requirements, we can deliver one hour workshops all the way through to half day insets.

Student consultations
We also provide individual student consultations, where we can design a programme and/or support strategy for individual students who are struggling with their attendance and engagement or at risk of school avoidance.
Experts in the field
Our team of expert trainers have delivered training to attendees all over the world, and have led on expert panels at conferences including the TES SEND show.
Topics we cover
Emotional based school avoidance (EBSA)
This specialist training will help explain what EBSA is and discuss why we're seeing an increase in young people experiencing it. We cover a range of strategies which can be used to support these young people.
Autism spectrum conditions (ASC)
We break this down to help understand how wide ranging this spectrum is and the complexities of supporting those with differing needs. We’ll discuss teaching and learning strategies and include some social communication and sensory aspects.
Developmental trauma and attachment needs
We discuss what developmental trauma and attachment needs are, the reasons behind them and then how we can best support young people who present with these difficulties.
Pathological demand avoidance (PDA)
Recent years have seen an increase in young people fitting a profile of demand avoidance. This training will cover what PDA is, including its relatively short history, and effective strategies to support young people both in educational settings and within the home.
Selective mutism
Our training helps understand what selective mutism is, how it presents, possible reasons behind it and how we can effectively support young people with this diagnosis.
Behaviour as communication
This training will help understand how to categorise behaviour and respond appropriately with specific interventions at each level. We’ll discuss the theory behind behaviour and the impact certain needs have on young people. Finally we look at how we can turn negative behaviours into positive outcomes for staff, parents and the young people themselves.

Get in touch
We’re always happy to talk through our training or consultancy offers. Contact our team to discuss how we can help.

Our network
We’ve gone from working with a single local authority in 2019, to working with multiple local authorities across the UK. As well as many schools across the south of England.

How to make a referral
Local authorities, schools and families with personal budgets are able to make a referral directly through our website.