Make a referral Work with us

Our bespoke support starts from the minute a young person is referred to SENse Learning. We spend time matching the right team to each student based on their skills, experience and interests, ensuring a personalised approach that makes SENse. 

What makes us unique?


We know that each young person and every family is different. By offering plenty of flexibility – with the ability to select morning or afternoon sessions – it’s easy to personalise a timetable, adapting it to fit a particular family’s rhythm.

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Specialist teaching

We work with a team of professionals who have many years of training and experience. Our case leads, specialist teachers and education mentors are experts in delivering creative, child-centred learning plans with a functional focus.      


The complete picture

We’re holistic in all that we do. That means focussing on social and emotional needs as well as academic progress. Together with families (and other professionals) we create short and long-term goals that look at the complete picture. This includes planning for successful onward transitions.

A wide range of experiences

Working in homes removes many barriers to attendance and engagement that students experience in more formal education settings. We complement this with experiences and learning opportunities in the local community. In some locations we have clubs, such as forest or animal clubs, where our students gain hands-on and socialisation skills at a pace they can manage. 

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Pastoral care

We believe in supporting families as a whole. By working alongside specialist professionals, local parent-carer forums and national organisations, our Early Help offer is set up to get a robust support network in place. We continually review what’s needed, creating a timetable of webinars and resources for each term. 

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Progress with pathways

We’ve created our own unique pathways framework. Each student is assigned a pathway tailored to their age, stage and aspirations. It creates a collaborative process which gives clarity and direction to each educational journey and helps us monitor and keep returning to the right path. 

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Celebrating all kinds of success

We find the right challenge for each student and we celebrate success, in all its diversity! Aside from Functional Skills qualifications we offer certification through ASDAN programmes and Arts Awards

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of our students pass their Functional Skills assessments


Reintegration pathway students transition to school or college


of students in vocational and independence pathway go on to work, apprenticeships or college

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From strength to strength

This case study tells the story of a young man with serious mental health needs, who was struggling with emotional regulation and engagement. With the right support from SENse Learning his mental wellbeing improved and he was able to gain a place at music college. He’s now on the path to becoming a DJ with an exciting future ahead. 

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The ADHD Iceberg2

So, it is your fault....

The Vast Influence of Interoception 1

Interoception - The Forgotten Sense

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Operation Encompass