Bespoke pastoral support for S
This case study tells the story of a young man with serious mental health needs, who was struggling with emotional regulation and engagement. With the right support from SENse Learning his mental wellbeing improved and he was able to gain a place at music college. He’s now on the path to becoming a DJ with an exciting future ahead.

When S joined SENse at 15 he had been permanently excluded from school due to aggressive behaviour, refusal to engage and poor mental health. S had been hospitalised due to self harm and there had been a number of police call outs of the home due to S’s struggles and the impact on the whole family.
S and his whole family really needed things to change and S really required the safety of a one to one intervention to help him to remain calm and focus on his abilities. SENse provided a calm, nurturing and safe space for S to really develop his passion and love of music.
S’s family experienced their own difficulties throughout his time at SENse, so we supported, by working alongside professionals, offering advice and support to the family and by really pushing S to explore his potential. During his time with SENse S built amazing relationships with his tutors which enabled him to overcome so many challenges and really reduced his self harm to the point he no longer used this as a coping mechanism.
S was able to live his dream of being a DJ and producing music and was supported by SENse to apply for a place at a Music College. SENse supported his transition there, whilst continuing to work with the network and family. S moved on to attend Music college full time and DJ on a radio station. We are so proud of all that S and his family have achieved over their time with SENse.
“WOW Where do I start with Sense learning. My son started with them at the age of 15 having failed every educational opportunity offered to him, by this point we were desperate as a family to find the right kind of support for him, he was self harming and just so angry with the world and I just sadly couldn’t see any kind of future for him. Then one day these 2 members of staff from Sense knocked on our door and that was the start of an amazing journey for our family. Slowly the self harming stopped the confidence in my son was coming back and he didn’t seem angry anymore. We had hiccups along the way but Sense was there supporting us every single step of the way, they never gave up on us and I will be forever grateful to them for literally everything, they helped fix our family as well as supporting my son through his music. My son has grown so much because of Sense, he’s at college and he’s their top achiever across 3 campuses and he is now talking about going to university, before Sense this is something that would never have been dreamt about let alone be achievable. Thank you Sense for everything you guys are literally miracle makers.”