Make a referral Work with us

There are no compromises when it comes to safeguarding. Our dedicated team ensure that all staff, associates and partners are up-to-date and compliant with our SENse safeguarding standards.

SENse Learning works with the Operation Encompass scheme which runs jointly between Police and Education. Operation Encompass has been designed to provide early reporting on any domestic abuse incidents that occur outside of school hours and that might have an impact on a student in our provision.

If you need to get in touch with our safeguarding team, please contact One of our DSLs or deputy DSLs will respond direct.

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From strength to strength

This case study tells the story of a young man with serious mental health needs, who was struggling with emotional regulation and engagement. With the right support from SENse Learning his mental wellbeing improved and he was able to gain a place at music college. He’s now on the path to becoming a DJ with an exciting future ahead.

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Supporting families

The service we offer doesn’t just stop with our students. We know that families need a network of support and we can provide interventions, training and help to improve things not only for our young people, but for the whole family.